During the last six years, Ron Fenley the executive producer and lead director at TurnKey MultiMedia has earned industry-wide recognition for writing, producing and directing poignant documentaries about the philanthropic endeavors of such notable companies as Boeing, Kaiser Permanente and the Orangewood Children’s Foundation. His documentaries have featured philanthropists, such as Steve Mihaylo, who recently donated $34 million to the CSUF and to whom the business school at CSUF is now named after.
Ron Fenley is also the writer, producer, director, cameraman and editor of the documentary film, “200 American Voices,” a candid exploration of what freedom and patriotism mean to ordinary American across a wide swath of our society. This thought-provoking film originally aired in 2012 on the Documentary Channel. A true labor of love, this film had been in the works for over 3 years as Ron crisscrossed the country conducting interviews and shooting miles of footage.